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End-to-End Payload Encryption

TEKTELIC Network Server can provide end-to-end payload encryption between the Device and the Customer Application.

In this case Network Server will not be able to decrypt and access the UL/DL payload content.

The payload can be decrypted on the Customer Application side using the customer provided encryption key.

To facilitate the decryption process TEKTELIC provides Docker image of the decrypting service that can be run on Customer’s side.


  1. Receive Application Server credentials from TEKTELIC (used in following steps)
  2. Set up Key Encryption Key (KEK)
  3. Claim the device
  4. Set up NS converter
  5. Set up NS HTTP Integration
  6. Run the decrypting service
  7. Process the plaintext UL payload
  8. Send plaintext DL payload

1. Receive Application Server credentials

Contact TEKTELIC to receive credentials for setting up the End-to-End encryption feature.

2. Set up Key Encryption Key (KEK)

Choose your KEK (random 16-byte hex string) and set it up on TEKTELIC Join Server using the following API call:

curl -X 'PUT' \
  '{AS_ID}/kek' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic {basic_creds}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "label": "{kek_label}",
  "kek": "{kek}"
  • {AS_ID} - unique application server ID provided by TEKTELIC
  • {basic_creds} - Base64 encoded string of {AS_ID}:{password} provided by TEKTELIC
  • {kek_label} - label of AS KEK. Should be unique.
  • {kek} - 16-byte hex string that will be used as KEK

3. Claim the device

Claiming of device means configuring it be used with specific NS and AS. This should be done for each device that is to use End-to-End encryption. Use the following API to claim the device:

curl -X 'POST' \
  '{devEUI}' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic {basic_creds}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "homeNetID": "{netId}",
  "homeNSID": "647FDAFFF0000000",
  "ownerToken": "{ownerToken}"
  • {devEUI} - Device EUI
  • {basic_creds} - Base64 encoded string of {AS_ID}:{password} provided by TEKTELIC
  • {netId} - Provider’s NetID
  • {ownerToken} - Device’s Owner token provided by TEKTELIC (8 bytes hex string)

4. Set up NS Converter

Create a Custom V2 converter with the following functions:

function decodeUplink(input) {
    return {
        "data": {
            "bytes": input.bytes
        "errors": [],
        "warnings": [],
        "tektelicMetadata": input.tektelicMetadata
function encodeDownlink(input) {
    return {
        "errors": [],
        "warnings": []

5. Set up NS HTTP Integration

Create an HTTP V2 integration with the previously created Converter and the following parameters:

  • Application address - your Decrypting Service host
  • Port - your Decrypting AS port
  • Base path - /api/uplink

Make sure your NS Application has SendPayloadEncrypted checkbox unchecked (!)

6. Run the decrypting service

Create a copy of example.env file to specify custom parameters and run the docker container like this:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --env-file ./test.env tektelicdocker/decrypting-application-server:1.0.0

The .env file has the following format:

  • AS_KEK_LABEL - your AS KEK label
  • AS_KEK_LABEL - your AS KEK hex string
  • UPSTREAM_HOST - where to send your plaintext UL payload (HTTP server)
  • NS_HOST - NS host (for sending DLs)
  • NS_BASE_PATH - base path of your NS HTTP integration (for sending DLs)

7. Process the plaintext UL payload

Decrypted UL is delivered to the UPSTREAM_HOST in the POST request using the following format:

  "deviceEui": "647FDA0000000000",
  "deviceName": "Device Name",
  "deviceClass": "A",
  "deviceModelId": "aaa1b0a0-aa11-11aa-1a11-a1aaa11a11aa",
  "deviceModelName": "Tektelic Home Sensor",
  "applicationId": "aaa1b0a0-aa11-11aa-1a11-a1aaa11a11a1",
  "applicationName": "Application Name",
  "fPort": 10,
  "adrBit": true,
  "ackBit": true,
  "fCntUp": 142,
  "fCntDown": 42,
  "recvTime": 1345291148,
  "devAddr": "076d51cf",
  "confirmed": true,
"dataRate": 7,
"uLFreq": 866100000,
"margin": -32,
"battery": 20,
"devStatusTimeMillis": 1662382555000,
"rfRegion": "US902",
"gatewayCount": 1,
"gatewayRxInfo": [
"gwEui": "647FDAFFFE000000",
"antennaId": 0,
"rssi": -100,  
"snr": 9.5,
"lat": 123.0,
"lon": 123.0,
"alt": 10.0,
"gatewayName": "Gateway Name",
"channel": 0,
"codeRate": "4/5",
"crcStatus": 1,
"dataRate": {
"modulation": "LORA",
"spreadFactor": 10,
"bandwidth": 125
"gwTimeUtcMillis": 1558015672000,
  "gwTimeGpsMillis": 1242050890000,
  "rsig": null

decryptedHex - plaintext FRMPayload (decrypted) in hex-string format

8. Send plaintext DL payload

In order to send a DL to device, send the POST request in the following format:


  "deviceEui": "AABBCCDDAABBCCDD",
  "confirmed": true,
  "fPort": 10,
  "payloadHex": "AABBCCDD",
  "msgId": "123",
  "fCntDown": 1,
  "devAddr": "AABBCCDD",

payloadHex - plain payload to be encrypted

Optional fields:

  • msgId - Identifier of the DL
  • fCntDown - FCntDown of the DL (if it is known to the Application)
  • devAddr - DevAddr of the device (if it is known to the Application)
  • appSKey - plaintext AppSKey of the device (if it is known to the Application)