MQTT V2 Integration
NOTE: that document describes version 2.0 (v2) of MQTT Integration. It contains extended list of configuration parameters.
any unique Integration Name -
Integration Type -
Data Converter
Name of the Data Converter which will be used to decode and encode payload of Devices provisioned to the current Integration. NOTE: Only Converter v2 can be used with Integration v2. -
Application address
MQTT Broker address. Domain name or IP -
MQTT Broker Port -
provided by MQTT Broker -
provided by MQTT Broker -
Push Topic
Topic where Network Server will publish UL messages -
Pull Topic
Topic on which Network Server will listen for DL messages -
Enable TLS
Enable or disable TLS / MQTTs -
Client ID
MQTT client ID
MQTT v3.1 → max len 23 symbols
MQTT v3.1.1 → max len 256 symbols -
pendingQueue max size
Set the maximum number of outgoing messages with QoS>0 that can be pending in the outgoing message queue -
max inflight messages
Set the maximum number of UL messages with QoS>0 that can be in the process of being transmitted simultaneously -
connection timeout (seconds)
This value defines the maximum time interval the Network Server will wait for the network connection to the MQTT Broker to be established -
Tells the broker whether the client wants to establish a persistent session or not. In a persistent session (CleanSession = false), the broker stores all subscriptions for the client and all missed messages for the client that subscribed with a Quality of Service (QoS) level 1 or 2. If the session is not persistent (CleanSession = true), the broker does not store anything for the client and purges all information from any previous persistent session -
keepAlive interval (seconds)
This interval defines the longest period of time that the broker and client can endure without sending a message. The client commits to sending regular PING Request messages to the broker. The broker responds with a PING response -
push retained
Retained defines whether the message is saved by the Broker as the last known good value for a specified topic. When a new client subscribes to a topic, they receive the last message that is retained on that topic -
push QoS
QoS for push topic -
Send empty payload
If selected LoRa packet will be pushed to application via MQTT even if FRMPayload is empty -
Allow All Ports
Defines which LoRa ports can be used -
clientCertificate can be:- passed as string
- drag-and-dropped
- uploaded file from PC
caCertificate can be:- passed as string
- drag-and-dropped
- uploaded file from PC
clientPrivateKey can be:- passed as string
- drag-and-dropped
- uploaded file from PC
"devAddr": "076d51cf",
"adrBit": true,
"recvTime": 1393250970,
"margin": 0,
"deviceEui": "{devEUI}",
"deviceModelName": "{deviceModelName}",
"deviceName": "{deviceName}",
"deviceModelId": "{deviceModelId}",
"deviceClass": "{deviceClass}",
"fPort": 10,
"gatewayCount": 2,
"rfRegion": "EU868",
"dataRate": 7,
"fCntUp": 427,
"fCntDown": 25,
"battery": 0,
"confirmed": false,
"ackBit": false,
"devStatusTimeMillis": 0,
"applicationId": "{applicationId}",
"applicationName": "{applicationName}",
"uLFreq": 867300000,
"gatewayRxInfo": [
"gwEui": "{gatewayMac}",
"antennaId": 0,
"rssi": -115,
"snr": -1,
"lat": null,
"lon": null,
"alt": null,
"gatewayName": "{gatewayName}",
"channel": 1,
"codeRate": "4/5",
"crcStatus": 1,
"dataRate": {
"modulation": "LORA",
"spreadFactor": 7,
"bandwidth": 125
"gwTimeUtcMillis": null,
"gwTimeGpsMillis": null,
"rsig": null
"deviceEui": "647FDA0000000000",
"confirmed": false,
"msgId": "1",
"data": {
"field1": "value1",
"field2": "value2"